Friday, August 8, 2008

Hyderabad (A city born of love)

The enduring love of the 5th king of the Qutb Shahi Dynasty, Mohammed Quli Qutb Shah, for his beloved Bhagmati, after whom he named the city is testimony to it.

Hyderabad is that exclusive, delectable point where the flavour of North India blends with the ardour of the South. A city sprinkled with historical remains that bear the indelible mark of two dynasties, the Qutb Shahis and the Asaf Jahis.

Fortified City

The massive battlements of the historic fort of Golconda that wind tenuously up the dust-brown hillock, once the territory of kakatiya kings of warangal, are testimony to the rule of the Qutb Shahis(1518-1687).

Of all the hill forts, Golconda is one of the most impressive. Generations of Qutb Shahi kings contributed to the completion of this once impregnable sentinel. Rising to a height of 400 feet and surrounded by layer upon layer of granite walls, the fort provided security to an entire kingdom and nurtured a lifestyle of its own- places, magnificent structures some rising to six floors, dark, vaulted cellars, enormous halls, fountains and tanks.

The marvel of architecture have ensured that the structures at Golconda are arranged in such a manner that sound from one source is transmitted over a considerable distance to the other. If one claps hands at the entrance of the inner fort, it can be heard at the top of the fort providing instantaneous communication.

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